Butt Enhancement Recovery
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Butt Augmentation Side Effects

Butt Enhancement Complications

Butt Enhancement Complications

Butt augmentation involves the insertion of implants or the injection of fat graphs to enhance the size or shape of the buttocks. Patients who have an underdeveloped buttock, flat butt or are lacking proportion can benefit from butt augmentation and gain a shapelier figure as well as improve their level of confidence.

Fat Transfer

The fat transfer approach, also known as a Brazilian butt lift (BBL), is a safe and effective means for increasing the volume in the buttocks because the donor fat comes from the patient’s own body. Because the fat comes from the patient, fewer side effects emerge. However, implants can provide a more drastic outcome since their size is not limited to the amount of donor fat available. Prior to any augmentation, patients should have a clear understanding of the process as well as the possible side effects.

Patients will experience some bruising, swelling, discomfort and numbness following a fat transfer. Post-op asymmetry, or an irregularity in one side of the buttocks, is the biggest downfall which can occur as a result of a Brazilian butt lift. This happens because the fat is taken from another location on the body and is then processed, purified and injected into the buttocks. However, a percentage of the fat will not survive and the rejected fat becomes reabsorbed into the body which can leave the patient with a disproportionate appearance. The patient will require an additional procedure to rectify the issue.

Silicone Implants

Butt augmentation via implants is an in-depth procedure that can include profound size effects. The surgery involves inserting silicone implants either subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Most surgeons place the implants in an intramuscular manner which means within a pocket of the muscle. The implants are made of a firm silicone and the outer contour is usually textured to keep the implant from shifting or flipping.

Still, the patient may end up with one implant that is either higher or lower than the other due to the fact that the implant didn’t incorporate into the capsule. A corrective surgery may be needed to adjust the implant. The contour of the implant also helps to reduce the risk of capsular contracture which is a hardening of the scar tissue around the implant. Capsular contracture is one of the biggest side effects of implants and it can be very painful or unsightly and usually results in the removal of the implant.

Besides capsular contracture, there are other side effects a patient should be made aware of when considering butt implants. Patients may experience bleeding, infections, wound healing issues, scarring, nerve damage and muscle damage. A ruptured implant is rare but it can occur. Due to the nature of the surgery, patients should expect some pain and discomfort during the healing period. However, the surgeon will provide pain medication to be used as directed.

What to Expect

Whether the patient is having fat injected or implants, it is important to understand that being placed under general anesthesia can cause negative reactions. Side effects can include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, dry mouth and respiratory issues. Some patients continue to experience these side effects days after the procedure. Older adults, or those with serious medical issues, may experience post-op confusion and pneumonia. In rare cases, a severe spike in blood pressure can occur and result in a heart attack or stroke. Patients who had issues with anesthesia in the past should talk to their surgeon about other available methods of sedation.


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