Butt Augmentation

Buttock augmentation has been on the rise thanks to the curvy celebrity figures shanking their stuff on stage, in videos and down the red carpet. A small, flat or droopy buttock can be augmented by butt implants or fat grafting. Fat grafting is a relatively newer technique which is also referred to as a Brazilian Butt Lift. Both procedures have many advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is important to consider all aspects when deciding between the two.

The First Step When Considering Butt Augmentation

Buttock Augmentation MethodsWhen considering buttock augmentation, the first step is to make a consultation appointment with a board-certified cosmetic surgeon who specializes in both types of butt augmentation and performs them regularly. A surgeon who is adequately skilled with both types of procedures can assess your goals and desires as well as conduct a full medical history. He or she will evaluate the current shape, size and skin condition of the backside as well as the available fat. The surgeon will use this information to help you determine which procedure may be more beneficial. It is also important to understand that both types of procedures are surgical and usually require anesthesia.

Butt Implants

With butt implants, an incision is made on the butt and a pocket is created under or near the gluteal muscle. The silicone implants are placed in the pocket and the surgeon will close the incision with layered sutures and other adhesives. Buttock implants hold many risks such as:

  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Poor wound healing
  • Implant rejection
  • Capsular contracture
  • Seroma

Furthermore, you will need ample time off work for recovery and downtime with implants. The recovery after implant surgery can be painful. This is especially true when the implants are placed under the muscle since the muscle is surgically manipulated. However, this method can provide immediate and dramatic results.

Fat Grafting

With a fat grafting procedure, the surgeon will make tiny incisions and perform liposuction on the chosen area with excess fat. The extracted fat will be sent through a purification process and then reinjected into the buttocks. The surgeon will sculpt the newly transferred fat so it has a natural and symmetric appearance. Fat grafting has less risks than implants since the incision is much smaller and the injected material is the body’s own fat. However, some risks include fat embolism and fat necrosis. There is less recovery and downtime with this type of butt augmentation but this procedure is limited by the amount of available fat which can be removed at one time. Unlike implants, this method can fade over time with weight fluctuation and/or pregnancy.

Combining Procedures

You can decide to combine butt implants and fat grafting to achieve greater size and volume. The recovery for both procedures, at once, is comparable to just having the implants since that procedure necessitates a lengthier recovery. The cost of butt augmentation generally includes the anesthesia fee, surgeon’s fee, facility fee and, if applicable, an implant fee. The national average cost of augmentation via implant is approximately $4200 and a butt lift procedure is about $4600. The cost is increased if both procedures are performed at the same time.


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